Veo Veo was inspired by my love for children, their sense for discovery and infinite imagination.
Growing up Veo Veo (I spy) was a simple fun game to play that brought family and friends together in order to discover our surroundings and endless possibilities through our eyes.
Today Veo Veo aims to bring parents together while discovering new pieces for the children in their life.
Having worked with youth for over 8 years, I learned a grand amount from children and their curiosities with the world. With that, I realized that there is no purer heart nor genuine smile than the one from a child.
It is no secret that our kids are the future. Lets give them the opportunity to be the warm and loving children they are, have them make us see the world through their eyes and celebrate their individual style.
I want to thank you wholeheartedly for letting Veo Veo be a part of your's and your child's life.